A Flight Through Dreams

In 2011 SilverTree was commisioned by Sony Ericsson to create a game to be pre-installed on all Xperia Play phones. We created Sleepy Jack, a 3D tunnel shooter starring a sleepy tyke named Jack who battles his way through high speed dreams, and must catch all his Z's before sunrise.

  • Nov 24 2011
  • Sony Ericsson
  • Mobile Game
  • Unity
  • Creative Director


One evening right before bedtime, Jack played his favorite old school arcade games Galaga, Gorf and Zaxxon on the family ColecoVision. That night his dreams were vivid and alive, set in deep space and filled with his favorite laser blasting spaceships, gigantic asteroids, and a Jack-sized jetpack.

Wild West

The second night Jack was exploring in the woods, and found a little wooden box with a cactus painted on the lid. When he popped it open he found a hand carved Wild West toy set. That night his dreams were filled with warm dusty red caverns, runaway steam trains, and a giant gun-toting scorpion.

Deep Sea

The third night Jack stayed up late watching an old Jacques Cousteau underwater documentary. He was even allowed to drink a tiny cup of his grandmas coffee to stay awake. Once he dozed off he found himself far beneath the surface of the sea, in the kingdom of the giant squid.